Late Parish Pastor (Dr.) Susan Somide
Pastor (Dr.) Abiodun Somide
You are welcome to RCCG Chapel of Blessings, the home of Divine Champions & Fruit Bearers Transcending Boundaries. Welcome to Bethel, the House of God. May you all be blessed beyond measures in Jesus name.
On October 3rd, 2004, there was a birthing of RCCG Chapel of Blessings to win lost souls to Him and to set the captives free. The path to lasting victory begins at the altar, in the place of sacrifice, on your knees.
We believe that, “There are no CROWN-WEARERS in Heaven who were not CROSS-BEARERS here below."
In February 2006, Chapel of Blessings organized a very successful workers workshop & community Health Seminar: Shining Pearls, which enlightened the neighborhood on diabetes. The children’s ministry (Anointed Arrows) in addition to visiting the 2 Black wax museums, baked cupcakes as fund raiser for our building fund. The youth of the church Youth-4-Him, went on an Ocean City trip during the summer to foster Christian fellowship. The King’s Daughters celebrated their 1st successful annual women conference in June 2006. The men of Vision sponsored the whole church on a boat cruise during the summer.
The year 2007 was a very fruitful year because Chapel of Blessings was able to purchase a $365,000 building that we use as church and to God be the glory. In 2010, Chapel of Blessings enjoyed Sight & Sound Miracle of Christmas. 2011, a year of completion, the Lord has just granted us victories on all sides in obtaining the permit to build, to extend, to erect a signpost and to construct relevant roads that will bring God’s house to a limelight.
“FREE THE CAPTIVES” is our Sudan Outreach Project. We have been able to remit $1,500 through Breakthrough Ministries, Catholic Charities & GRA Ministries respectively. Clothing and 5 computers were sent to ministries working in the Sudan. We are extremely elated to witness the birth of a Christian nation; The Federal Republic of Southern Sudan on July 9, 2011 to the glory of God.
We donated a borehole FOUNTAIN OF BLESSINGS at Kajokeji, South Sudan in August 2013 costing $5,000.00. We are designed for excellence, not mediocrity, Isaiah 64:8. Whenever God gives us an assignment to do, He never gives it to us without equipping us first. In Job 10:8; “Your hands shaped me and made me.”.
The year 2015 was a wonderful year for all members of COB. They all had outpouring testimonies with women giving birth to promising babies and members celebrating weddings for their children. Lord of the Dance was a record fund raiser that year as we embarked on building our new sanctuary and acquiring the building behind the church for parking purposes. In July, the Junior Church, went to Hershey’s Park, Pennsylvania, for sight- seeing and fellowship. 2015 year’s theme was Divine Influence. According to 1 Cor. 2:14, 15 the spiritual man and the natural man are set in opposition one to another: "The natural man receives nothing of the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things."
The theme for 2016 anniversary was “The Faithful God”, Hebrews 11: 1-40. Our God has been our help in ages past and a definite hope for years to come. He has sustained COB when we were helpless. The King’s daughters had a very successful Women meeting at “Be Your Sisters Keeper” forum. Men of Vision were very creative during Easter Ministration and they won the contest. The Trustees and members of the Church donated over $6,000.00 for the beautiful signage outside the building.
The year 2017’s theme was “GOD OF WONDERS”, and it has been a SPECTACULAR year in Chapel of Blessings. In March 2017, the 1st day of Lent, the God of Wonders blessed us with the property behind the church for expansion and parking and enabled Baltimore County to waive the easement behind the church at no cost to us. These two pieces of land would have cost the church $145,000.00. Our God is a God of WONDERS!!! Five members of COB had ghastly motor accidents, but God delivered them. Members with cancer, demonic attacks, afflictions, unfruitfulness were all healed delivered and rescued. To God be the glory.
The year 2018 has been very glorious being a YEAR OF VICTORIES! The theme was DOMINION MANDATE! COUNTLESS VICTORIES. COB experienced three marriages and birth of three lovely babies. All hanging blessings are being delivered to the right addresses in Chapel of Blessings. Miracles, deliverances, healings, graduations and breakthroughs have been experienced by members of this ministry.
The year 2019 was really a year of refreshing in the Holy Ghost. The theme was THE WHEEL OF GRACE. Ezekiel saw the wheel within a wheel, and he describes these creatures to us. Each had four faces -- the faces of a man, an eagle, an ox, and a lion. These four faces turned in every direction, faced every way. After he saw the four living creatures, he saw certain wheels. "Ezekiel saw a wheel, way up in the middle of the air; the big wheel ran by faith and the little wheel ran by the grace of God, a wheel in a wheel, away in the middle of the air." Ezekiel saw that these wheels were turning, one wheel within the other. As he watched he also saw a firmament above, shining in splendor, and above the firmament, as he lifted his eyes higher, he saw a throne. And on the throne sat a man. COB
The year 2020, a Twin year, is themed a year of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING / GREAT TURNAROUND. In Romans 13:11-12 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. This was a warning to all mankind.
The Pandemic, COVID-19 Virus plague claimed the lives of over 208,000 people in America alone, and all over the world there were loses of lives. The covenant keeping God of Chapel of Blessings has kept us from all harm in COB. Our property on 3721 Live Oak was renovated with the contributions from members of the Trustees and Church. Some members and families have proven themselves exemplary during this year in their services to the Lord. To this extent, the Parish Pastors have decided to acknowledge their prowess with token gifts. This year has been fruitful regardless of the plague. Some of our members had safe deliveries of babies, bought new homes and cars and celebrated promotions on their jobs.
The year 2021’s concept of divine elevation is not based on our strength or wisdom; it is by divine arrangement. Divine elevation involves God’s hand taking us up into greatness. CIRCUITS OF ELEVATION.
The Theme for the year 2022 is THE PATHWAY TO SUCCESS. According to 111John 2 and Psalm 65: 11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy path drop fatness”. May all your efforts be crowned with goodness, excellence and the best of everything you lay your hands on. A Pathway to success starts at your altar.
The year 2023 is also in line with last year’s theme SOAR TO GREATER HEIGHTS; HIS GLORY. according to Deuteronomy 28:1 & 2:3 is entrenched in the depth and understanding of the secret of spiritual illumination and doctrinal truth.
Our vision for the future is to make Heaven and take so many people by feeding them with the undiluted word of God and by beautifying the Lord’s sanctuary, hence we embarked on a $200k Steel Fabricated Project Solomon building fund and setting-up a sizable Event Center which will be much more achievable. We will appreciate your donation towards these laudable ventures. May the God of ALL SUFFICIENCY lift you higher from all bondages and crippling demons of life in Jesus name.
In the year 2024, our beloved Parish Pastor, departed from this earthly realm to be with our heavenly Father, God Almighty. She left behind an enduring legacy through her unwavering faith and devotion to Christ Jesus, guiding us on the righteous path. Our vision remains steadfast in Christ Jesus, as we all strive towards the mark to attain the crown of life for a glorious life well lived.